Bones Underground Wiki

Game Controls[]

  • Arrow Keys: The arrow keys control the basic character movement.
  • Mouse: Allows players to pick up items and interact with other players, NPCs, and scenery items.
  • Ctrl Keys: Lets the players melee attack with their fists or the weapon they have equipped.
  • F1-F8: Hotkeys for spells. You can assign different spells to a hotkey by dragging the spell to the hotkey in the spells menu. (Holding Shift+F1-F8 will allow you to cast spells from the second row of your spell menu.)
  • F10: Freezes the screen of all movement. This feature is useful for capturing screenshots. But after you are done make sure you hit the button again or your screen will stay frozen.
  • F11: Allows your player to sit down on the ground. To stand back up you must hit the button again. (You recover HP & MP quicker while sitting, but you will take more damage from players/NPCs while sitting.)
  • F12: Refreshes the game screen. If you are lagging then this button will refresh the game screen fixing any minor game errors. If you can't move to another map or your graphics are acting weird then press this button.
  • Print Screen/SysRq: This button will take a screenshot of the game. The saved screen will be stored in the directory Bones Underground\Client Files\screen\ on your hard drive. You can also view screenshots by using Esrc.


Every time you level up you gain 10 stat points, which can be allocated towards different attributes in the stat menu. Each of the stats does have a maximum that the server will allow before they no longer effect your character, so below are each of the stats' maximum amounts, and an explanation of what they do (STR, AGI, and CON are considered the most important on this server due many of the monsters having high HP, Accuracy, and Damage).

  • STR (Maximum 64,000): This stat increases your Damage. For every 2 stats, you gain 1-1 damage.
  • INT (Maximum 64,000): This stat increases your Magic Damage.
  • WIS (Maximum 17,000): This stat increases your TP/MP bar. For every 1 stat, you gain 3 Maximum TP/MP.
  • AGI (Maximum 50,000): This stat increases your Accuracy and Evade.
  • CON (Maximum 17,000): This stat increases your HP Bar and Defense.
  • CHA (Maximum 64,000): This stat currently has no use.

The max level in the game is 246, after hitting this level it will cause you to automatically reborn. When this happens, your level will revert back to 1, but you will keep all of your stats so that you can continue to stack them.

Chat Commands[]

  • Private Chat [ !name message ]: Simply putting ! in front of a players name followed by a message will send a private message to that player.
    • Example - !Fred Greetings, how are you?
  • Group Chat [ 'message ]: Sends a message to all members in your group.
  • Guild Chat [ &message ]: Sends a message to all online members of your guild.
  • Global Chat [ ~message ]: This command will send a message to everyone online.
    • Example - ~Who wants to play Capture the Flag?
  • #update <stat> <amount>: Enter the stat you wish to raise, and the number of points.
    • Example - #update str 10
  • #reset: Resets all allocated stat points.
  • #item Name: Displays useful information about a specific item such as Item Type, Stats, If it can be crafted, What it can craft into, Which NPC drops it, etc.
  • #npc Name: Like the #item command only for NPCs. Displaying their stats, location, drops, etc.
  • #a or #achieve: Open a menu that informs you of which Achievements you have unlocked and which ones you have not. (#achieve Name will let you view other players Achievements.)
  • #bre: If a BRE (short for Big Random Event) is active this command will tell you how much time remains if appropriate.
  • #e or #event: Use this to enter Event Engine events, or to access the Event Engine menu.
  • #title <line>: Changes your title to what you choose.
    • Example - #title BU's Best
  • #skin (w,y,t,o,s,p,f): Changes your skin color. (White, Yellow, Tan, Orc, Skeleton, Panda, Fish)
    • Example - #skin w
  • #rules: Opens up a window listing the rules.
  • #admins: Opens up a window listing the Admins.
  • #usage: Tells you how many hours you have played Bones Underground on your character.
  • #ping: Tells you how fast your connection to the server is. The lower the number, the better your connection.
  • #engine: Tells you what version and render engine you're operating on.
  • #loc: Tells you your current location and the number of the map your on.
  • #find: Tells you if a player is online and if they are on the same map as you are.
    • Example - #find Smith
  • #commands: Opens up a window showing some of the above commands
  • #petcommands: Opens up a window listing commands you can give your pet instead of clicking on the pet to issue a command.


  • Numpad[1]: Happy
  • Numpad[2]: Disappointed
  • Numpad[3]: Crying
  • Numpad[4]: Angry
  • Numpad[5]: Confused
  • Numpad[6]: Shocked
  • Numpad[7]: Kiss
  • Numpad[8]: Yawn
  • Numpad[9]: Upset
  • Numpad[0]: Mock
  • Numpad[.]: Blush


In Bones Underground there are hundreds of monsters. Killing monsters is basically how all players earn money and level up. Each monster in the game has a weak point on their back where you will do more damage then normal. All monsters have a certain type of behavior. This behavior indicates how they will react to players. Here is a list of the different types of behaviors.

  • Passive: These monsters will not attack you unless you attack them first. They generally wander around and don't pay much attention to people.
  • Aggressive: These monsters attack you on sight. They will follow you if you go near them and are generally dangerous. If you're on a map with aggressive monsters, don't walk away from the game or you may be killed.